Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Foodgawker and.....we're moving!!!

That's right...four or so days in, and I've achieved my ultimate goal in life, being featured on Foodgawker.com. Okay, maybe it's not my only goal (there is still owning my own island, making my first million, achieveing personal enlightenment, etc.), but seriously. YES!

In any case, if you're reading this, you're probably related to me or found me through Gawker anyway. So welcome Gawkers! Okay, and the other big news is....


My tech saavy husband has purchased me my very own domain name. So come on over to http://guiltykitchen.com and help welcome me to the Blogoshpere. Yay!


  1. i'm on my way to check out your feature and your new site...congrats!

  2. Wow - congrats on you Foodgawker success! I will watch for you and look forward to see what you're up to next! Cheers, Michelle
